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Úvod » Boxy & Balíčky » Box hokejových karet UD Extended Series 2023-24 Hobby


Box hokejových karet UD Extended Series 2023-24 Hobby



cena bez DPH : 3 057,85 Kč (122,07 EUR)
cena s DPH (21 %):
3 700,00 Kč (147,70 EUR)
Upper Deck uzavírá ročník 2023-24 série SERIES posledním produktem této řady a to konktrétně EXTENDED ! Produkt, který jako každý rok nabízí pokračování velice oblíbených karet nováčků Young Guns. Těšit se můžete i na další Insertní a Rookie karty jako například UD Canvas, Young Guns UD Canvas, Dazzlers a mnoho dalšího.
Tato série obsahuje base set 250 karet (1-200 Veterans, 201-250 Young Guns). Těšit se můžete třeba na oblíbené Dazzlers karty, Retro 2008-09 Young Guns karty. Black Diamond Retros nebo SPX Holoview Retros karty. Novinkou jsou potom třeba Seeing Red karty. V produktu Upper Deck Extended Series 2023-24 můžete najít opravdu hodnotné karty těch největších hvězd současné NHL. Velkým lákadle jsou nováčci tohoto ročníku Connor Bedard, Jiří Kulich, Zach Benson, Luke Hughes či Adam Fantilli. V produktu můžete najít karty v limitaci 1/1 nebo dokonce podepsané karty!!  
Box obsahuje:

12 balíčeků / 12 karet v balíčku

Boxu obsahuje:

6x Young Guns nebo 1 Round Rookies karta

4x UD Canvas karta

1x Outburst Paralelní karta

1x Blue Dazzlers karta

4x Seeing Red karta

1x PETG Insertní karta

6x Silver Skates nebo 1998-99 UD3 karta

2x 2007-08 Black Diamond karta

a další....

V Boxu můžete najít:

Young Guns and 1st Round Rookies Cards:
- Young Guns 1:4
- Young Guns - Outburst Parallel 1:100
- Young Guns - Clear Cut Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) 1:240
- Young Guns - Deluxe Parallel #'d to 250
- Young Guns - Exclusives Parallel #'d to 100
- Young Guns - Outburst Red Parallel #'d to 25
- Young Guns - High Gloss Parallel #'d to 10
- Young Guns - Outburst Gold Parallel #'d 1-of-1
- UD Canvas Young Guns 1:24
- UD Canvas Young Guns - Black & White Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) 1:216
- UD Canvas Young Guns - Printing Plates N/A
- 1 st Round Rookies 1:5
- 1 st Round Rookies - Outburst Parallel 1:150
- 1 st Round Rookies - Clear Cut Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) 1:360
- 1 st Round Rookies - Deluxe Parallel #'d to 250
- 1 st Round Rookies - Exclusives Parallel #'d to 100
- 1 st Round Rookies - High Gloss Parallel #'d to 10
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro Young Guns 1:7
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro Young Guns - Exclusives Parallel #'d to 100
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro Young Guns - High Gloss Parallel #'d to 10
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro Young Guns - Printing Plates N/A

Insert Cards:
- 1997-98 SPx Holoview Retros 1:6
- 1997-98 SPx Holoview Retros - Red Parallel #'d to 250
- 1997-98 SPx Holoview Retros - Gold Parallel #'d to 50
- 1998-99 UD3 1:4
- 1998-99 UD3 - Blue Parallel #'d to 1000
- 1998-99 UD3 - Gold Parallel #'d to 200
- 1998-99 UD3 - Red Parallel #'d to 50
- 2003-04 Beehive 1:7
- 2003-04 Beehive - Red Parallel #'d to 250
- 2003-04 Beehive - Gold Parallel #'d to 20
- 2003-04 Beehive - Printing Plates N/A
- 2003-04 Beehive Rookies 1:10
- 2003-04 Beehive Rookies - Red Parallel #'d 250
- 2003-04 Beehive Rookies - Gold Parallel #'d to 50
- 2003-04 Beehive Rookies - Printing Plates N/A
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 1 Star 1:29
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 1 Star Rookies 1:29
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 2 Star 1:43
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 2 Star Rookies 1:43
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 3 Star 1:50
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 3 Star Rookies 1:50
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 4 Star 1:200
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - 4 Star Rookies 1:200
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros - Ruby Parallel #'d to 100
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros Rookies - Ruby Parallel #'d to 100
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros Emerald Auto Parallel #'d to 10
- 2007-08 Black Diamond Retros Rookies - Emerald Auto Parallel #'d to 25
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro 1:10
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro - Exclusives Parallel #'d to 100
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro - High Gloss #'d to 10
- 2008-09 Upper Deck Retro - Printing Plates N/A
- Dazzlers Blue 1:12
- Dazzlers Pink 1:72
- Dazzlers Blue Printing Plates N/A
- Hockey Heroes 1:15
- HoloGrFx Rookies 1:60
- HoloGrFx Rookies - Printing Plates N/A
- HoloGrFx Rookies - Gold Parallel 1:120
- HoloGrFx Future Fame 1:360
- HoloGrFx Future Fame - Printing Plates N/A
- Population Count 1000 1000 Copies Per
- Population Count 500 500 Copies Per
- Population Count 100 100 Copies Per
- Population Count 50 50 Copies Per
- Population Count 25 25 Copies Per
- Population Count 10 10 Copies Per
- Population Count 1 1 Copy Per
- NEW! Seeing Red 1:3
- NEW! Seeing Red - Silver Spectrum 1:36
- Silver Skates 1:5
- Silver Skates - Gold Parallel 1:48
- Silver Skates - Red Parallel #'d to 100
- Special Forces 1:60
- UD Canvas 1:4
- UD Canvas Black and White Parallel 1:60
- UD Canvas - Legends 1:96
- UD Canvas - Legends Black and White Parallel 1:540
- UD Canvas - Legends Printing Plates N/A
- UD Canvas - All-Stars 1:96
- UD Canvas - All-Stars Black and White Parallel 1:540
- UD Canvas - All-Stars Printing Plates N/A

Base Set Cards:
- Base Set (251-450) N/A
- NEW! Base Set - Outburst Parallel 1:30
- Base Set - Clear Cut Variation 1:96
- Base Set - Deluxe Parallel #'d to 250
- Base Set - Exclusives Parallel #'d to 100
- NEW! Base Set - Outburst Red Parallel #'d to 25
- Base Set - High Gloss Parallel #'d to 10
- NEW! Base Set - Outburst Gold Parallel #'d 1-of-1