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Úvod » Boxy & Balíčky » Box hokejových karet UD Parkhurst Champions 2022-23 Hobby


Box hokejových karet UD Parkhurst Champions 2022-23 Hobby




Transparentní historie ceny
3 499,00 Kč (138,03 EUR)
cena bez DPH : 2 643,80 Kč (104,29 EUR)
cena s DPH (21 %):
3 199,00 Kč (126,19 EUR)

do košíku:
Předprodej !! - Produkt vychází 20.03.2024 !!
Upper Deck přichází s dlouho očekávanou sérií, která byla několikrát posunuta. Představujeme Vám Upper Deck Parkhurst Champions ročník 2022-23!! Série plná úžasných karet. Série obsahuje úžasných 350 základních karet! Těšit se můžete na 25 Rookie SPs a na 25 Superstar SPs. Dále se těšit můžete na Premium Memorabilia a nebo Autographs karty. Série nabízí obrovské množství podepsaných karet. Velký zájem bude o insertní série Jukenbox Heroes, 51 Retro či 51 Retro Rookie karty, nebo Tomorrow's Richer karty. Podepsané Nováčky, Superstár NHL či Legendy!! Na to všechno se můžete těšit.
Box obsahuje:

20 balíčků / 8 karet v balíčku

Boxu obsahuje:

1x Podepsaná nebo Memorabilia karta

1x další Hit

4x Rookies nebo Legends SP karta

4x Rainbow Paralelní karta

2x Color Variations karta

1x Gold Rainbow Paralelní karta

3x 1951-52 Retro Insertní karta

4x další Insert (Jukebox Heroes, Tomorrow's Riches, 1950s Flashbacks, nebo Wire Image)

V Boxu můžete najít:

Memorabilia & Autograph Memorabilia Booklet Cards: Issued VIA Redemption Cards

- Parkhurst MEM-orable Booklet Cuts Varied #'ing
- Parkhurst MEM-orable Booklet Cuts Autos #'d to 10
- Parkhurst MEM-orable Booklet Cuts Rookie Autos #'d to 25

Additional Autograph, Memorabilia & Autograph Memorabilia Cards:

- 51 Retros - Auto Parallel 1:360
- 51 Retros - Red Auto Parallel #'d to 5
- 51 Retros Rookies - Auto Parallel 1:360
- 51 Retros Rookies - Red Auto Parallel #'d to 5
- 51 Retros Legends - Auto Parallel 1:1920
- 51 Retros Legends - Red Auto Parallel #'d to 5
- Base Set (101-200) - Auto Parallel 1:240
- Base Set (101-200) - Blue Auto Parallel #'d to 15
- Base Set (101-200) - Jersey Parallel 1:260
- Base Set (101-200) - Patch Parallel #'d to 25
- Base Set (101-200) - Auto Patch Parallel #'d to 25
- Base Set (201-260) - Auto Parallel 1:240
- Base Set (201-260) - Blue Auto Parallel #'d to 15
- Base Set (201-260) - Veterans Jersey Parallel 1:416
- Base Set (201-260) - Veterans Patch Parallel #'d to 25
- Base Set (201-260) - Veterans Auto Patch Parallel #'d to 25
- Base Set Rookies (261-300) - Auto Parallel 1:90
- Base Set Rookies (261-300) - Blue Auto Parallel #'d to 25
- Base Set Rookies (261-300) - Jersey Parallel 1:250
- Base Set Rookies (261-300) - Auto Patch Parallel #'d to 35
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Auto Parallel 1:180
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Blue Auto Parallel #'d to 25
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Jersey Parallel 1:440
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Auto Patch Parallel #'d to 35
- Base Set SP Legends (326-350) - Auto Parallel 1:1600
- Base Set SP Legends (301-325) - Blue Auto Parallel #'d to 15
- Base Set SP Legends (301-325) - Jersey Parallel 1:3600
- Base Set SP Legends (301-325) - Premium Parallel #'d to 10
- Base Set SP Legends (301-325) - Auto Premium Parallel #'d to 10
- Jukebox Heroes - Auto Parallel Varied #'ing
- Tomorrow's Riches - Auto Parallel #'d to 35
- Wire Images - Auto Parallel 1:1800

Non-Auto/Mem Insert Cards:

- 50's Flashback 1:34
- 50's Flashback - Gold Parallel 1:267
- 50's Flashback - Printing Plate Parallel 4 Copies
- 51 Retros 1:8
- 51 Retros - Wrapper Back Variations 1:40
- 51 Retros - Gold Rainbow #'d to 51
- All Star Legends 1:1200
- Base Photo Variations 1:480
- Jukebox Heroes 1:25
- Jukebox Heroes - Gold Parallel 1:200
- Jukebox Heroes - Printing Plates Parallel 4 Copies
- Tomorrow's Riches 1:17
- Tomorrow's Riches - Gold Parallel 1:134
- Tomorrow's Riches - Printing Plate Parallel 4 Copies
- Wire Images 1:15
- Wire Images - Gold Parallel 1:115
- Wire Images - Printing Plate Parallel 4 Copies

Non-Auto/Mem Base Set Cards:

- Base Set (1-100) 2:1
- Base Set (101-200) 2:1
- Base Set (201-300) 2:1
- Base Set (1-300) - Silver Parallel 1:2
- Base Set (1-300) - Color Variation 1:12
- Base Set (1-300) - Red Parallel #'d to 51
- Base Set (1-300) - Black Variation #'d to 10
- Base Set (1-300) - Rainbow Parallel 1:7
- Base Set (1-300) - Gold Rainbow Parallel 1:24
- Base Set (1-300) - Printing Plate Parallel 4 Copies
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) 1:7
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Silver Parallel 1:27
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Color Variation 1:267
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Red Parallel #'d to 51
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Black Variation #'d to 10
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Rainbow Parallel 1:134
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Gold Rainbow Parallel 1:534
- Base Set Rookie SPs (301-325) - Printing Plate Parallel 4 Copies
- Base Set SP Legends (326-350) 1:20
- Base Set SP Legends (326-360) - Silver Parallel 1:80
- Base Set SP Legends (326-360) - Color Variation 1:800
- Base Set SP Legends (326-360) - Red Parallel #'d to 51
- Base Set SP Legends (326-360) - Black Variation #'d to 10
- Base Set SP Legends (326-360) - Rainbow Parallel 1:400
- Base Set SP Legends (326-360) - Gold Rainbow Parallel 1:1600
- Base Set SP Legends (326-360) - Printing Plate Parallel 4 Copies